Plats bruts 25 years old

Plats bruts is a sitcom issued for TV3. The story talks about the life of Josep Lopez and David Güell. The show was co-produced by Kràmpack, El Terrat and Televisió de Catalunya.


Jordi Sánchez
Jordi Sánchez

Josep López

Pau Durà
Pau Durà

Pol Requena

Francesca Piñón
Francesca Piñón

Maria Dolors

Mercè Comes
Mercè Comes


Joel Joan
Joel Joan

David Güell


Name Character
Jordi Sánchez He was 34 , now 60 years old as Josep López
Joel Joan He was 28 , now 53 years old as David Güell
Pau Durà He was 27 , now 52 years old as Pol Requena
Francesca Piñón as Maria Dolors
Mercè Comes as Assumpció


Name Job title
Plats bruts poster
Plats bruts (25 years)


  • First Air Date: 1999-04-19
  • Runtime: [] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 73