Sex Appeal 31 years old

Sex Appeal

It tells the story of young people who dream of a modeling career and the rise of their lives. It all starts when the Sex Appeal agency, led by Edgar and Cecilia, runs a contest that will award the winner two hundred thousand dollars and the possibility of living abroad. The main competitors are Angel, Vilma, Eva and Claudinha. They will do anything to earn, even things they would never imagine doing.


Danielle Winits
Danielle Winits

Eveline da Silva (Eva)

Luana Piovani
Luana Piovani

Angélica Sousa Borges (Angel)

Walmor Chagas
Walmor Chagas

Edgar Leite Quental

Carolina Dieckmann
Carolina Dieckmann

Cláudia Garcia Tavares (Claudinha)

Camila Pitanga
Camila Pitanga

Vilma Nascimento


Daniel Ribeiro (Dino)


Name Character
Danielle Winits She was 19 , now 50 years old as Eveline da Silva (Eva)
Luana Piovani She was 16 , now 48 years old as Angélica Sousa Borges (Angel)
Walmor Chagas He was 62 , 82 years old when he died as Edgar Leite Quental
Carolina Dieckmann She was 14 , now 46 years old as Cláudia Garcia Tavares (Claudinha)
Camila Pitanga She was 15 , now 47 years old as Vilma Nascimento
Supla He was 27 , now 58 years old as Daniel Ribeiro (Dino)
Esther Góes She was 47 , now 78 years old as Jacqueline Belfort


Name Job title
Patrícia Travassos Writing She was 33 , now 64 years old Screenplay
Sex Appeal poster
Sex Appeal (31 years)


  • First Air Date: 1993-06-01
  • Runtime: [35] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 19