Sex Ed 12 years old

Eight college students get more than they bargained for when their professor forces the students to pair up and make clay sculptures of each other‘s genitals.


Joanna Cassidy
Joanna Cassidy

Alison Trevase

George Finn
George Finn

Billy Henry

Bo Barrett
Bo Barrett



Name Character
Joanna Cassidy She was 66 , now 79 years old as Alison Trevase
Angela Sarafyan She was 29 , now 41 years old as Stormy
George Finn He was 22 , now 34 years old as Billy Henry
Bo Barrett as Reggie


Name Job title
Sex Ed (12 years)


  • First Air Date: 2012-07-12
  • Runtime: [8] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 6