Sex Games: Vegas 19 years old

Cal and Mona Barrish are known for their big, over the top parties. The guest lists are large, the people are interesting, and the entertainment is second to none. The party is just the show. The real magic is how the two of them help others fall in love or reach an important goal. As much as this is a party and anything can happen, many of the outcomes are orchestrated by Cal and Mona. In each episode, we see how Cal and Mona use their influence to make everyone's life just a little bit better.



Name Character
Kaylani Lei She was 24 , now 44 years old
Tyler Faith She was 30 , now 49 years old
T.J. Hart She was 38 , now 57 years old
Debra K. Beatty as Tracy
Cherokee She was 23 , now 42 years old
Cytherea She was 23 , now 43 years old
Chloe She was 33 , now 52 years old
Aimee Sweet She was 27 , now 47 years old


Name Job title
Sex Games: Vegas (19 years)


  • First Air Date: 2005-05-06
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 26