Shazzan 57 years old
Shazzan is an American animated television series, created by Alex Toth and produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions in 1967 for CBS. The series follows the adventures of two teenage siblings, Chuck and Nancy, traveling around a mystical Arabian world, mounted on Kaboobie the flying camel. During their journey they face several dangers, but they are always helped by Shazzan, a genie with magical powers out of this world. Shazzan is not to be confused with Shazam!, the 1970s comic book/television revival of Golden Age super hero Captain Marvel, created by C. C. Beck and Bill Parker.
Name | Character |
Tim Matheson He was 19 , now 77 years old | |
Don Messick He was 41 , 71 years old when he died | |
Ted Cassidy He was 35 , 46 years old when he died | |
Janet Waldo She was 43 , 92 years old when she died | |
Henry Corden He was 47 , 85 years old when he died | |
Vic Perrin He was 51 , 73 years old when he died | |
Barney Phillips He was 53 , 68 years old when he died |
Name | Job title |
Shazzan (57 years)
- First Air Date: 1967-09-09
- Runtime: [30] minutes
- Number of Episodes: 36