The City 16 years old
The City is an American reality television series that originally aired on MTV from December 29, 2008 until July 13, 2010. Developed as the spin-off of The Hills, the series aired two seasons and focused on the personal and professional lives of several young women residing in New York City, New York. The series originally focused on Whitney Port, who appeared in its predecessor, as she began employment with Diane von Fürstenberg. It additionally placed emphasis on her workplace rival Olivia Palermo, Port's boyfriend Jay Lyon, his roommate Adam Senn, and her friend Erin Lucas. The latter three were replaced by Port's roommate Roxy Olin and Palermo's enemy Erin Kaplan for the second half of the first season.
Name | Character |
Claire Danes She was 29 , now 45 years old | |
Whitney Port She was 23 , now 39 years old | |
Kelly Cutrone She was 43 , now 59 years old |
Name | Job title |
The City (16 years)
- First Air Date: 2008-12-29
- Runtime: [30] minutes
- Number of Episodes: 35