Virtual Murder 32 years old

John Cornelius (called JC) is a university don who also works for his city police force as a consultant psychologist. Samantha Valentine is his offbeat personal assistant and lover, while Inspector Cadogan is their police contact and Professor Owen Griffiths is Cornelius's head of department.



Name Character
Nicholas Clay He was 45 , 53 years old when he died as Dr. John Cornelius
Ronald Fraser He was 62 , 66 years old when he died
Kim Thomson She was 32 , now 64 years old as Samantha Valentine
Bernard Bresslaw He was 58 , 59 years old when he died
Jon Pertwee He was 73 , 76 years old when he died
Colin McFarlane He was 30 , now 62 years old
John Bluthal He was 62 , 89 years old when he died
Sean Pertwee He was 28 , now 60 years old
Tony Robinson He was 45 , now 78 years old
Hugh Quarshie He was 37 , now 69 years old
Dora Bryan She was 69 , 91 years old when she died
Steven O'Donnell He was 29 , now 61 years old
Peggy Mount She was 77 , 86 years old when she died
Helen Lederer She was 37 , now 69 years old
Julian Clary He was 33 , now 65 years old
Enn Reitel He was 42 , now 74 years old
Richard Todd He was 73 , 90 years old when he died
Tim Preece He was 53 , now 86 years old
Gordon Warnecke He was 29 , now 62 years old
Sam Kelly He was 48 , 70 years old when he died
Alfred Marks He was 71 , 75 years old when he died
Hywel Bennett He was 48 , 73 years old when he died
Ron Donachie He was 36 , now 68 years old
Julia Foster She was 48 , now 81 years old
Bernard Horsfall He was 61 , 82 years old when he died
Tessa Wyatt She was 44 , now 76 years old
Philip Whitchurch He was 41 , now 73 years old
John Boswall He was 72 , 91 years old when he died
Alan David He was 50 , now 82 years old as Professor Owen Griffiths
Natasha Pyne She was 46 , now 78 years old
Jude Akuwudike He was 27 , now 59 years old as Sergeant Gummer


Name Job title
Brian Degas Crew He was 56 , now 88 years old Creator
Brian Degas Production He was 56 , now 88 years old Producer
Harry Robertson Crew He was 59 , 63 years old when he died Creator
Harry Robertson Production He was 59 , 63 years old when he died Producer
Harry Robertson Sound He was 59 , 63 years old when he died Music
Barry Hanson Production He was 49 , 73 years old when he died Executive Producer
Virtual Murder poster
Virtual Murder (32 years)


  • First Air Date: 1992-07-24
  • Runtime: [50] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 6