Wan Wan Celeb Soreyuke! Tetsunoshin 18 years old

Wan Wan Celeb Soreyuke! Tetsunoshin is a 2006 Japanese Animated series created by Hiroto Ishikawa and directed by Kiyoshi Fukumoto. The series is animated by Studio Comet, with the series written by Takashi Yamada, who later worked on HeartCatch PreCure! and character designs both done by Shuichi Seki and Shida Tadashi. The series first premiered on TV Aichi and TV Tokyo from January 7 to December 30, 2006 with a total of 51 episodes.


Kei Shindou
Kei Shindou

Rumi Inuyama

Reiko Takagi
Reiko Takagi




Takkou Ishimori
Takkou Ishimori

Toranosuke Inuyama


Name Character
Kei Shindou She was 21 , now 40 years old as Rumi Inuyama
Tatsuhisa Suzuki He was 22 , now 40 years old as Rinia
Reiko Takagi She was 32 , now 50 years old as Tetsunoshin
Choo He was 48 , now 66 years old as Seto
Chiwa Saitō She was 24 , now 43 years old as Meg
Takkou Ishimori He was 73 , 81 years old when he died as Toranosuke Inuyama
Kinryuu Arimoto He was 65 , now 84 years old as Neo
Kunihiro Kawamoto He was 31 , now 49 years old as Sasuke


Name Job title
Wan Wan Celeb Soreyuke! Tetsunoshin (18 years)


  • First Air Date: 2006-01-07
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 51