Web Junk 20 18 years old

Web Junk 20 is an American television program in which Vh1 and iFilm collaborate to highlight the twenty funniest and most interesting clips collected from the Internet that week. The show is now hosted by comedian Aries Spears. Patrice O'Neal hosted the first two seasons, while Jim Breuer hosted Season 3. Rachel Perry introduces the premise of each clip via voice-over. Season 3 of the show introduced credit given to websites the clips are taken from. Previous seasons of the show would only introduce the clips, but website addresses from sites such as ebaumsworld.com or break.com could clearly be seen in the clips.



Name Character
Arnold Schwarzenegger He was 58 , now 76 years old
Tom Cruise He was 43 , now 62 years old
Kelsey Grammer He was 50 , now 69 years old
Vin Diesel He was 38 , now 56 years old
Oprah Winfrey She was 51 , now 70 years old
Katie Couric She was 49 , now 67 years old
Alan Cumming He was 40 , now 59 years old
Hervé Villechaize He was 62 , 50 years old when he died
James Brown He was 72 , 73 years old when he died
Bill O'Reilly He was 56 , now 74 years old
Casey Kasem He was 73 , 82 years old when he died
David Letterman He was 58 , now 77 years old
Tyra Banks She was 32 , now 50 years old
Whitney Houston She was 42 , 48 years old when she died


Name Job title
Web Junk 20 (18 years)


  • First Air Date: 2006-01-13
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 19