Where's Elvis This Week? 27 years old

Where's Elvis This Week? was a short-lived, half-hour, weekly comedy television program hosted by Jon Stewart that aired on Sunday nights in the United Kingdom on BBC Two. It was filmed at the CBS Broadcast Center in New York City and featured a set of panelists—two from the United Kingdom, and two from the United States. The panelists discussed news items and cultural issues. It premiered in the UK on 6 October 1996, and five episodes aired in total. Notable panelists included Dave Chappelle, Eddie Izzard, Phil Jupitus, Nora Ephron, Craig Kilborn, Christopher Hitchens, Armando Iannucci and Norm Macdonald.



Name Character
Robbie Coltrane He was 46 , now 74 years old
Martin Clunes He was 34 , now 62 years old
Dave Chappelle He was 23 , now 51 years old
Craig Kilborn He was 34 , now 62 years old
Michael McShane He was 41 , now 69 years old
Norm Macdonald He was 32 , now 60 years old
Armando Iannucci He was 32 , now 60 years old
Nora Ephron She was 55 , 71 years old when she died
David Baddiel He was 32 , now 60 years old
Phill Jupitus He was 34 , now 62 years old
Helen Gurley Brown She was 74 , 90 years old when she died
Wendy Wasserstein She was 45 , 55 years old when she died
Christopher Hitchens He was 47 , 62 years old when he died
Ed Koch He was 71 , 88 years old when he died


Name Job title
Where's Elvis This Week? (27 years)


  • First Air Date: 1996-10-06
  • Runtime: [30] minutes
  • Number of Episodes: 6