BFC Dynamo ( / ) 58 years old


There are 83 players playing in BFC Dynamo.

Name Title
Mike Jesse 46 years old German footballer
Miloslav Kousal 41 years old footballer
Nestor Djengoue 28 years old Cameroonian footballer
Nico Patschinski 43 years old German footballer
Norbert Trieloff 62 years old German footballer
Olaf Backasch 54 years old German footballer
Olaf Seier 60 years old German footballer
Paul Grischok 33 years old Polish footballer
Pavel Chaloupka 60 years old Czech footballer
Philipp Haastrup 37 years old German professional footballer
Rainer Troppa 61 years old East German footballer
Ralf Schulenberg 70 years old German footballer
Ralf Sträßer 61 years old German footballer and manager
Rayk Schröder 44 years old German footballer
Reinhard Lauck 51 years old German footballer
René Deffke 53 years old German footballer
René Rydlewicz 46 years old German footballer
Ronny Nikol 45 years old German footballer
Sascha Schünemann 27 years old German footballer
Shergo Biran 40 years old German footballer
Stephan Flauder 33 years old German footballer
Thiago Rockenbach 34 years old Brazilian footballer
Thomas Doll 53 years old German football player and manager
Thorsten Boer 51 years old German football player and manager
Tobias Kurbjuweit 36 years old German footballer
Tomasz Sajdak 35 years old Polish footballer
Tomasz Suwary 45 years old Polish footballer
Toralf Arndt 53 years old German footballer
Waldemar Ksienzyk 55 years old German footballer
Werner Heine 84 years old German footballer
Werner Lihsa 76 years old German footballer
Werner Voigt 72 years old German footballer
Zlatko Muhović 29 years old
BFC Dynamo
BFC Dynamo (58 years)

  • Inception: Saturday, January 01, 1966