Detroit Lions ( / ) 96 years old


There are 1026 players playing in Detroit Lions.

Name Title
Aaron Berry 31 years old American football player
Aaron Francisco 36 years old American football player
Aaron Gibson 42 years old All-American college football player professional offensive lineman
Aaron Pettrey 33 years old American football player
Ace Gutowsky 67 years old American football player
Adam Jennings 37 years old American football player
Al Baker 63 years old American football player
Al Ketzko 25 years old American football player
Al Randolph 75 years old American football player
Alan Ricard 42 years old American football player
Aldo Forte 89 years old American football guard and tackle
Alex Barrett Director
Alex Carder 30 years old American football player
Alex Karras 77 years old American football player and announcer actor
Alex Lewis 38 years old American football player
Alex Molden 46 years old American football player
Alex Wojciechowicz 76 years old Professional football player
Alfonso Boone 43 years old American football player
Alfred Fincher 36 years old American football player
Alfred Pupunu 50 years old American football player
Allen Aldridge 47 years old American football player
Alonzo Spellman 48 years old American football defensive lineman
Alphonso Smith 34 years old All-American college football player professional football player defensive back cornerback
Altie Taylor 62 years old American football player
Amari Spievey 31 years old American football player
Amos Fowler 63 years old American football player
Andre Fluellen 34 years old American football player
André Goodman 41 years old American football player
Andre Ware 51 years old All-American college football player professional football player quarterback Heisman Trophy winner College Football Hall of Fame
Andrew Shull 38 years old Player of American football
Andy Farkas 84 years old Professional American football fullback
Andy McCollum 49 years old American football player
Angelo King 61 years old American football player
Anthony Cannon 34 years old American football player
Anthony Carter 44 years old American basketball player
Anthony Herron 40 years old American football player
Anthony Madison 38 years old Player of American football
Antone Smith 34 years old American football player
Antonio London 48 years old American football player
Antwan Lake 40 years old Player of American football
Archie Milano 73 years old American football player
Arlen Harris 39 years old American football player
Art Murakowski 60 years old American politician
Art Van Tone 71 years old American football player
Artose Pinner 41 years old Player of American football
Ashlee Palmer 33 years old American football player
Aubrey Matthews 57 years old American football player
Augie Lio 71 years old American football player
Austen Lane 32 years old Player of American football
Aveion Cason 40 years old Player of American football
Detroit Lions (96 years)

  • Inception: Tuesday, January 01, 1929