Roda JC Kerkrade (Roda JC Kerkrade / Sportvereniging Roda Juliana Combinatie Kerkrade) 62 years old
There are 225 players playing in Roda JC Kerkrade.
Name | Title |
Mike Petersen (politician) 53 years old | American politician |
Mikołaj Lebedyński 29 years old | Polish footballer |
Mitchell Donald 31 years old | Dutch footballer |
Mitchell Paulissen 26 years old | Dutch footballer |
Mohammed El Berkani 36 years old | Dutch footballer |
Morten Skoubo 39 years old | Danish footballer |
Motti Ivanir 55 years old | Professional footballer football manager |
Nathan Rutjes 35 years old | Dutch footballer |
Nayib Lagouireh 28 years old | footballer |
Nenad Mišković 44 years old | Bosnia and Herzegovina footballer |
Nikola Damjanac 48 years old | Former football goalkeeper and player manager |
Nikos Kounenakis 41 years old | footballer |
Nuelson Wau 38 years old | Dutch footballers |
Olaf Rompelberg 32 years old | Dutch footballer |
Paweł Kieszek 35 years old | Polish footballer |
Peter Hofstede 52 years old | Dutch footballer |
Peter van de Ven 58 years old | Dutch footballer |
Peter Van Houdt 43 years old | Belgian footballer |
Pierre Vermeulen 63 years old | Dutch footballer |
Piet Wildschut 62 years old | Dutch footballer |
Przemysław Tytoń 32 years old | Polish footballer |
Ramon van Haaren 47 years old | Dutch footballer |
Raymond Atteveld 53 years old | Dutch footballer and manager |
Regillio Vrede 46 years old | Dutch footballer |
Remco Boere 58 years old | Dutch footballer |
René Hofman 58 years old | Dutch footballer |
René Trost 54 years old | Dutch footballer and manager |
Richard Roelofsen 50 years old | Dutch footballer |
Richmond Boakye 26 years old | Ghanaian footballer |
Rihairo Meulens 31 years old | Dutch footballer |
Rob Wielaert 40 years old | Dutch footballer |
Roel Brouwers 37 years old | Dutch footballer |
Roland Lamah 31 years old | Footballer |
Roly Bonevacia 28 years old | Dutch footballer |
Ron Jans 61 years old | Dutch footballer and manager |
Ronald Waterreus 49 years old | Dutch footballer |
Rostyn Griffiths 31 years old | Australian soccer player |
Roy Bejas 32 years old | Dutch footballer |
Ruud Hesp 54 years old | Dutch football player/coach |
Ruud Vormer 31 years old | Dutch footballer |
Rydell Poepon 32 years old | Dutch footballer |
Sanharib Malki 35 years old | Syrian footballer |
Sebastian Svärd 36 years old | Danish footballer |
Sekou Cissé 34 years old | Ivorian footballer |
Serhiy Pohodin 51 years old | footballer |
Sieb Dijkstra 53 years old | Dutch footballer |
Silvio Diliberto 55 years old | Dutch footballer |
Simon Cziommer 39 years old | German footballer |
Stefan Jansen 47 years old | Dutch footballer |
Stein Huysegems 37 years old | Footballer |
Roda JC Kerkrade (62 years)
- Inception: Wednesday, June 27, 1962