Roda JC Kerkrade (Roda JC Kerkrade / Sportvereniging Roda Juliana Combinatie Kerkrade) 62 years old


There are 225 players playing in Roda JC Kerkrade.

Name Title
Mike Petersen (politician) 53 years old American politician
Mikołaj Lebedyński 29 years old Polish footballer
Mitchell Donald 31 years old Dutch footballer
Mitchell Paulissen 26 years old Dutch footballer
Mohammed El Berkani 36 years old Dutch footballer
Morten Skoubo 39 years old Danish footballer
Motti Ivanir 55 years old Professional footballer football manager
Nathan Rutjes 35 years old Dutch footballer
Nayib Lagouireh 28 years old footballer
Nenad Mišković 44 years old Bosnia and Herzegovina footballer
Nikola Damjanac 48 years old Former football goalkeeper and player manager
Nikos Kounenakis 41 years old footballer
Nuelson Wau 38 years old Dutch footballers
Olaf Rompelberg 32 years old Dutch footballer
Paweł Kieszek 35 years old Polish footballer
Peter Hofstede 52 years old Dutch footballer
Peter van de Ven 58 years old Dutch footballer
Peter Van Houdt 43 years old Belgian footballer
Pierre Vermeulen 63 years old Dutch footballer
Piet Wildschut 62 years old Dutch footballer
Przemysław Tytoń 32 years old Polish footballer
Ramon van Haaren 47 years old Dutch footballer
Raymond Atteveld 53 years old Dutch footballer and manager
Regillio Vrede 46 years old Dutch footballer
Remco Boere 58 years old Dutch footballer
René Hofman 58 years old Dutch footballer
René Trost 54 years old Dutch footballer and manager
Richard Roelofsen 50 years old Dutch footballer
Richmond Boakye 26 years old Ghanaian footballer
Rihairo Meulens 31 years old Dutch footballer
Rob Wielaert 40 years old Dutch footballer
Roel Brouwers 37 years old Dutch footballer
Roland Lamah 31 years old Footballer
Roly Bonevacia 28 years old Dutch footballer
Ron Jans 61 years old Dutch footballer and manager
Ronald Waterreus 49 years old Dutch footballer
Rostyn Griffiths 31 years old Australian soccer player
Roy Bejas 32 years old Dutch footballer
Ruud Hesp 54 years old Dutch football player/coach
Ruud Vormer 31 years old Dutch footballer
Rydell Poepon 32 years old Dutch footballer
Sanharib Malki 35 years old Syrian footballer
Sebastian Svärd 36 years old Danish footballer
Sekou Cissé 34 years old Ivorian footballer
Serhiy Pohodin 51 years old footballer
Sieb Dijkstra 53 years old Dutch footballer
Silvio Diliberto 55 years old Dutch footballer
Simon Cziommer 39 years old German footballer
Stefan Jansen 47 years old Dutch footballer
Stein Huysegems 37 years old Footballer
Roda JC Kerkrade
Roda JC Kerkrade (62 years)

  • Inception: Wednesday, June 27, 1962