VfL Bochum ( / ) 87 years old


There are 373 players playing in VfL Bochum.

Name Title
Sergei Yuran 50 years old Russian professional footballer
Sergey Dmitriev 55 years old Russian footballer Russian footballer and manager
Shinji Ono 40 years old Soccer Player
Siegfried Bönighausen 64 years old German footballer
Simon Terodde 31 years old German footballer
Simon Zoller 28 years old Footballer
Sinan Kaloğlu 38 years old Turkish footballer
Smail Morabit 31 years old Footballer
Sören Bertram 28 years old German footballer
Stanislav Šesták 37 years old Slovak footballer
Stefan Brasas 52 years old German footballer
Stefan Kohn 54 years old German footballer
Stefan Kuntz 57 years old German football player and manager
Stefan Pater 59 years old German footballer
Stefan Studtrucker 53 years old Footballer
Stefan Wächter 41 years old German footballer
Stefano Celozzi 31 years old German footballer
Sunday Oliseh 45 years old Nigerian football player and manager
Sven Boy 43 years old German footballer
Sven Christians 52 years old German footballer
Sven Kreyer 28 years old German footballer
Søren Colding 47 years old Danish footballer
Takashi Inui 31 years old Japanese footballer
Thomas Andersson 62 years old Swedish footballer
Thomas Christiansen 46 years old Spanish/Danish footballer
Thomas Eisfeld 26 years old Footballer
Thomas Epp 51 years old German footballer
Thomas Kempe
Thomas Knauer 55 years old German footballer
Thomas Rathgeber 34 years old German footballer
Thomas Stickroth 54 years old German footballer
Thorsten Barg 33 years old German footballer
Thorsten Bolzek 51 years old German footballer
Thorsten Legat 51 years old German footballer
Thorsten Schmugge 48 years old German footballer
Tim Hoogland 34 years old German footballer
Timo Perthel 30 years old German footballer
Tobias Weis 34 years old German footballer
Tomasz Wałdoch 48 years old Polish footballer
Tomasz Zdebel 46 years old Polish footballer
Tommy Bechmann 37 years old Danish footballer
Toni Schreier 57 years old German footballer
Toni Tapalović 39 years old German footballer
Torsten Kracht 52 years old German footballer
Udo Böckmann 67 years old German footballer
Ulrich Bittorf 60 years old German footballer
Ümit Korkmaz 34 years old Austrian footballer
Uwe Gospodarek 46 years old German footballer
Uwe Leifeld 53 years old German footballer
Uwe Stöver 52 years old German footballer and manager
VfL Bochum (87 years)

  • Inception: Saturday, January 01, 1938