Wexford Senior Football Team ( / ) new born


There are 10 players playing in Wexford Senior Football Team.

Name Title
Anthony Masterson 36 years old Gaelic football player
Billy Rackard 78 years old Irish hurler and Gaelic footballer
Ciarán Lyng 34 years old Irish sportsman
Joey Wadding 33 years old Gaelic footballer
Matthew O'Hanlon 28 years old Irish hurler and gaelic footballer
Nicky Rackard 53 years old Irish hurler and Gaelic footballer
Paddy Mackey 130 years old Irish Gaelic footballer and hurler
Padge Kehoe 81 years old Irish hurler and Gaelic footballer
Seán O'Kennedy Irish hurler and Gaelic footballer
Stephen Banville 34 years old Irish hurler and Gaelic footballer
Wexford Senior Football Team (0 years)

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