year list Show122448 people Sort by Popularity Name Age Height Net Worth ASC DESC Go All Women Men Year: 0100 Showing 0 to 30 people Iulius Placidus, Roman military tribune Thaddeus of Edessa, Patriarch of the Church of the East Tiberius Julius Alexander, Roman governor and general Dionysius the Areopagite, bishop and saint Junius Rusticus, Imperial Roman Consuls Aspren, Bishop of Naples Aristo of Pella, A Christian apologist and chronicler who probably lived around first to second century. He is only known through a reference in Eusebius and late authors. Ptolemy, geographer astronomer and astrologer Narcissus of Jerusalem, Patriarch of Jerusalem saint Claudio Tolomei, Itlaian philologist Saint Publius, Maltese saint Bruno Hébert, Writer James The Less, Mithridates V Of Parthia, Tiberius Claudius Atticus Herodes, Mihrdat III Of Iberia, Liu Ying, Appius Annius Trebonius Gallus, Dou Wu, Rheometalces Philocaesar, Zhuge Jun, Marcus Galerius Aurelius Antoninus, Titus Vitrasius Pollio, Plutarch The Younger, « Previous Next » Year: 0100 Movie Actor Soccer Player DJ Rapper Politician TV Actress Photographer Model Pop Singer Instagram Star YouTube Star TikTok Star