year list Show122448 people Sort by Popularity Name Age Height Net Worth ASC DESC Go All Women Men Year: 1322 Showing 0 to 30 people Emperor Kōmyō, Japanese emperor Thomas Hasilden (died c. 1387), English politician Michael Asen IV of Bulgaria, Shin Don, Korean historian John Henry IV of Gorizia, Count of Gorizia (1322-1338) Matteo Giovanetti, Italian painter Nicholas the Small, Duke of Münsterberg (1341-1358) Nicolaus of Luxemburg, Czech bishop John Henry, Actor Matteo Corsini, Actor Thomas De Furnivalle, 3rd Baron Furnivalle, Édouard De Piémont, Gerlach Of Nassau, Sir Maurice Drummond, 1st Of Concraig, Q31191931, Otto The Younger, Shwe Nan Shin Of Myinsaing, Jacopo I Appiano, Aymar De Poitiers-Valentinois, Henry VII Of Schaunberg, Hug Roger I De Pallars Sobirà, Q8512750, Year: 1322 Movie Actor Soccer Player DJ Rapper Politician TV Actress Photographer Model Pop Singer Instagram Star YouTube Star TikTok Star