year list Show122448 people Sort by Popularity Name Age Height Net Worth ASC DESC Go All Women Men Year: 1540 Showing 0 to 30 people Catherine Duchess of Braganza, Claimant ot the Portuguese throne in 1580 Countess Palatine Elisabeth of Simmern-Sponheim, Duchess of Saxony Katherine Hastings Countess of Huntingdon, wife of Henry Hastings 3rd Earl of Huntingdon Hümaşah Sultan, Leonor De Castilla, Maria De' Medici, Infanta Catherine, Duchess Of Braganza, Zanobia Del Carretto Doria, Lady Katherine Grey, Elisabeth Of Brandenburg-Küstrin, Agnes Of Barby-Mühlingen, Magdalena Pietersz, « Previous Next » Year: 1540 Movie Actor Soccer Player DJ Rapper Politician TV Actress Photographer Model Pop Singer Instagram Star YouTube Star TikTok Star