year list Show122448 people Sort by Popularity Name Age Height Net Worth ASC DESC Go All Women Men Year: 1686 Showing 0 to 30 people Philip Livingston, Johann Christoph Knöffel, Li Shan, Richard Lechmere, Alessandro Galli Da Bibbiena, Johann Georg, (1686-1725) Peter Leslie, John Churchill, Marquess Of Blandford, Charles, Duke Of Berry, Q31192655, Johann Karl Ludwig Graf Zu Salm-Gaugrehweiler-Wild Und Rheingraf In Gaugrehweiler, James Graham, 2nd Of Braco, Q21644676, Yintao, Yinxiang, Captain Joshua Dorsey, Q64024755, Franciscus Szembek, Anders Gyllenborg, Detlev Friedrich Von Ahlefeldt, Christoph Raupach, Q31191729, Q61439580, Henry Long, Jonas Karolis Chodkevičius, Chaworth Brabazon, 6th Earl Of Meath, Whitfield Doyne, Sir John Maxwell Of Auldhouse, 2nd Bt., Q17095870, Hans Georg Benda, Henrik Bielke Kaas, Tanuma Okiyuki, Shubael Gorham, Heinrich Herr Und Graf Von Stubenberg, Sir Robert Bankes Jenkinson, 4th Bt., Q61793498, Edward Rolt, William Evelyn-Glanville, Pier Paolo Varotti, Sir Edward Smyth, 3rd Bt., John Gell, Robert Arbuthnott, 4th Viscount Of Arbuthnott, Thomas Bowerbank, Henri François Goüin, Sir John Henderson, 3rd Bt., Alexander Breckenridge, Sir William Wentworth, 4th Bt., Johann Georg Maximilian Fürstenhoff, « Previous Next » Year: 1686 Movie Actor Soccer Player DJ Rapper Politician TV Actress Photographer Model Pop Singer Instagram Star YouTube Star TikTok Star