year list Show122448 people Sort by Popularity Name Age Height Net Worth ASC DESC Go All Women Men Year: 1874 Showing 0 to 30 people Charles Weeghman, American baseball executive Charles William Appleton, Vice president:General Electric Company/former United States magistrate judge/ Assistant District Attorney/New York City Charles William Miller, Brazilian footballer and manager Charles Winder, Sport shooter Charles l'Eplattenier, Swiss painter and architect Charlie Atherton, American baseball player Charlie Cameron (footballer born 1874), Australian rules footballer Charlie Devenish, South African rugby union player Charlie Frisbee, American baseball player Charlie Grant, American baseball player Charlie H. Pannam, Australian rules footballer and coach Charlie Oliver (Australian footballer), Australian rules footballer Charlie White (rugby union), Australian rugby union player Charlotta Bass, American newspaper publisher Charlotte Maxeke, South African activist Chester Noyes Greenough, American educator Cheves Perky, American psychologist Chris M. Eckmann, American politician Christian D. Larson, Prolific author of metaphysical and New Thought books Christian Pedersen (sport shooter), Sports shooter Christofer Olivius Ferslew, Norwegian politician Cihangirzade İbrahim Bey, Claës Rundberg, Sport shooter Clara Brett Martin, « Previous Next » Year: 1874 Movie Actor Soccer Player DJ Rapper Politician TV Actress Photographer Model Pop Singer Instagram Star YouTube Star TikTok Star