year list Show122448 people Sort by Popularity Name Age Height Net Worth ASC DESC Go All Women Men Year: 1894 Showing 0 to 30 people Werner Gilles, German artist Werner Graf von Bassewitz-Levetzow, German officers and Knight's Cross recipients Werner March, German architect Werner Preuss, German flying ace Werner Schmidt-Hammer, German General and Knight's Cross recipients Werner Wagener, German flying ace Werner Wolfgang Rogosinski, German mathematician Wes Griffin, American baseball player Wesley C. Miller, Sound engineer Wesley LaViolette, American musician Westbrook Pegler, American investigative journalist Wheelock Whitney Sr., American businessman Whitey Woodin, American football player Wickey McAvoy, American baseball player Wiktor Hoechsmann, Cyclist Wilber Marion Brucker, American governor of Michigan Wilbur Fisher, Major League Baseball player Wiley Blount Rutledge, American Supreme Court justice Wilfred Clement Von Berg, Architect Wilfred McClaughry, Royal Air Force air marshals Wilfred Nevill, British army officer Wilfred Theodore Blake, Wilfrid Heron, Australian rules footballer Wilfrid Swancourt Bronson, American writer and artist Wilhelm Abeln, German Politician Wilhelm Bittrich, German general Wilhelm Ehrlich, leader Wilhelm Grosz, Austrian composer pianist and conductor Wilhelm Hasse (general), German General and Knight's Cross recipients Wilhelm Hueper, German physician Wilhelm Orbach, German chess player Wilhelm Orlik-Rückemann, Polish general Wilhelm Philipps, German general and Knight's Cross recipients Wilhelm Rudolf Mann, Wilhelm Schepmann, SA general and politician Wilhelm von Lengerke, German General and Knight's Cross recipients Will Mahoney, American actor Willard Robison, American songwriter Willard Stewart Paul, United States general Willard Van der Veer, American cinematographer Willem Arondeus, Dutch painter Willem Pijper, Dutch composer music critic and teacher Willi Kreikemeyer, Willi Sänger, Communist Resistance Fighter William Aitken (footballer), Footballer William Allison White, Recipient of the Victoria Cross William Anderson (Scottish cricketer), Cricketer William Angie Smith, American Methodist bishop « Previous Next » Year: 1894 Movie Actor Soccer Player DJ Rapper Politician TV Actress Photographer Model Pop Singer Instagram Star YouTube Star TikTok Star