year list Show122448 people Sort by Popularity Name Age Height Net Worth ASC DESC Go All Women Men Year: 1959 Showing 0 to 30 people Bernd Roith, German darts player Bernd Schuster, German footballer and manager Bernd Venohr, German economist management consultant and author Bernhard Eitel, German earth scientist Bernhard Hoff, German sprinter Bernhard Rieger, Roman Catholic Bishop Bernhard Siegert, German academic Bernie Miklasz, American journalist Bernt Schneiders, Dutch politician Berry Bickle, Zimbabwean artist Bert Anciaux, politician Bert Cameron, Athletics (sport) competitor Bert Peña, American baseball player Bert Teunissen, Dutch photojournalist Bess Nkabinde, South African judge Beth Bernobich, American writer Beth Broderick, American actor Beth Brooke, Global Vice Chair of Public Policy for Ernst & Young Beth Gaines, American politician Beth Goobie, Canadian poet Beth Heiden, American speed skater and racing cyclist Bettina Köster, Musician Beverly Leech, American actor Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, « Previous Next » Year: 1959 Movie Actor Soccer Player DJ Rapper Politician TV Actress Photographer Model Pop Singer Instagram Star YouTube Star TikTok Star