APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology Winners

People with APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology


Name Title
Harry Harlow American psychologist
Henry Murray American psychologist
Irving Janis American psychologist
J. P. Guilford American psychologist
James Birren
James J. Gibson American psychologist
James McClelland (Solicitor-General) Irish politician
James McGaugh American neuroscientist
James Olds American psychologist
Jean Matter Mandler American psychologist
Jean Piaget Swiss philosopher; developmental psychologist
Jerome Bruner American psychologist
Jerome Kagan American psychologist
John A. Swets American psychologist
John Bargh US-American social psychologist
John Cacioppo American academic
John H. Flavell American psychologist
John Robert Anderson (chemist) Australian chemist
John William Atkinson Professor of Psychology
Joseph E. LeDoux American neuroscientist
Julian Rotter American psychologist
K. Warner Schaie American gerontologist
Kenneth Spence American psychologist
Ledyard Tucker Mathematician
Lee Cronbach American psychologist
Leo Hurvich
Leon Festinger American psychologist
Lila R. Gleitman American psychologist
Martin Seligman American psychologist and writer
Mary Ainsworth American-Canadian psychologist
Michael Gazzaniga American neuroscientist
Michael Merzenich Professor emeritus neuroscientist
Michael Posner (economist) British economist
Michael Rutter British psychiatrist
Michael Tomasello American developmental psychologist
Morton Deutsch social psychologist and researcher
Muzafer Sherif Turkish psychologist
Neal E. Miller American psychologist
Niko Tinbergen
Noam Chomsky linguist psychologist and activist
Patricia S. Goldman-Rakic
Patrick Suppes American philosopher
Paul Ekman Evolutionary and social psychologist
Paul Rozin American psychologist
Paul Slovic American psychologist
R. Duncan Luce Scientists
Richard C. Atkinson American educational psychologist and academic
Richard Davidson American psychologist
Richard E. Nisbett American psychologist
Richard Lazarus American psychologist

APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology (0 years)

  • Inception: