APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology Winners

People with APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology


Name Title
Richard N. Aslin American psychologist
Robert Richardson Sears American child psychologist and educator former dean at Stanford University
Robert Sapolsky American endocrinologist
Robert Zajonc American psychologist
Rochel Gelman Canadian psychologist
Roger Shepard American psychologist
Shelley E. Taylor American psychologist
Solomon Asch American psychologist
Stanislas Dehaene French neuroscientist
Stanley Schachter AMerican psychologist
Stanley Smith Stevens American psychologist
Susan Carey American psychologist
Susan Fiske American psychologist
Terrie Moffitt American psychologist
Theodore Newcomb American social psychologist
Ursula Bellugi
Walter Mischel American psychologist
William Kaye Estes American psychologist
Wolfgang Köhler Psychologist and phenomenologist

APA Award for Distinguished Scientific Contributions to Psychology (0 years)

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