Secret Sins of the Father 30 years old

Louis (Lloyd Bridges) is a farmer in small-town Nebraska. All seems well in his quiet life until the town's spiteful sheriff, Tom (Beau Bridges), who is also Louis' son, unexpectedly charges Louis with the murder of his mother. Louis knows he's innocent and thinks that his son is merely out to get him because he's been having a heated affair with Tom's former lover. Can father and son put their bad blood aside for the sake of the family? Or will Tom's vengeance prevail?


Secret Sins of the Father Cast

Name Character
Beau Bridges He was 52, now 82 years old as Tom Thielman
Lloyd Bridges He was 80, 85 years old when he died as Louis Thielman
Victoria Rowell She was 34, now 65 years old as Yolanda Seeley
Lee Purcell She was 46, now 77 years old as Ann Thielman
Ed Lauter He was 55, 74 years old when he died as Arnold Carter
Bert Remsen He was 68, 74 years old when he died as Judge Kleiser
Mark L. Taylor He was 43, now 73 years old as Morris Fleming
Lori Nelson She was 60, now 90 years old as Mrs. Lieber
Creed Bratton He was 50, now 81 years old as Gas Station Worker
Andrew Parks He was 42, now 73 years old as Gary Silver
Michael McManus He was 47, now 78 years old as Rod Holcomb
Jordan Bridges He was 20, now 50 years old as Teenage Boy
Patrika Darbo She was 45, now 76 years old as Leslie Holcomb
Jack Kehler He was 47, now 78 years old as Ray Townsend
Gene Ross He was 63, now 93 years old as Otto Reynolds
Frederick Coffin He was 50, 60 years old when he died as L.J. Thielman

Secret Sins of the Father Crew

Name Department
Beau Bridges as Director. He was 52 (now 82) years old Directing
Ken Hixon as Writer. Writing
Secret Sins of the Father (30 years)

  • Release day: Sunday, January 09, 1994
  • Runtime: 100 minutes