Balot from .
Other facts about Balot
Population | 93 , determination method: census , point in time: 1990-03-05T00:00:00Z , criterion used: population without double counting |
Located in time zone | UTC+02:00 , valid in period: daylight saving time |
Shares border with | Ampilly-le-Sec |
INSEE municipality code | 21044 |
Coordinate location | Point(4.429166666 47.813333333) |
SIREN number | 212100440 |
Area | 15.54 |
Located in the administrative territorial entity | Arrondissement Of Montbard |
Postal code | 21330 |
Locator map image | Http:// |
Country | France |
Official name | Balot |
Coat of arms image | Http:// |
Office held by head of government | Mayor Of Balot |
Female population | 42 , determination method: census , point in time: 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z |
Associated electoral district | Canton Of Châtillon-sur-Seine , start time: 2015-03-22T00:00:00Z |
Male population | 48 , determination method: census , point in time: 2017-01-01T00:00:00Z |
Different from | Balot |
EHESS ID of a French commune | 2531 |
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