Cinderella Actor
Cinderella Actor from .

Awards (2)
Nominated Academy Award for Best Costume Design , awarded Saturn Award for Best Fantasy Film in 2016 ,
Other facts about Cinderella
Cost | 95000000 , determination method: estimation process |
Cast member | Richard McCabe , character role: Baron , series ordinal: 31 |
Film crew member | Alexander Witt , object has role: second unit director |
Has quality | Title For Spain , title: Cenicienta |
Distributor | Fórum Hungary , country: Hungary |
Film poster | T2402990449 , statement is subject of: Cinderella character poster – The Wicked Stepmother |
Publication date | 2015-03-19T00:00:00Z , place of publication: Hungary |
Production company | Genre Films , named as: Kinberg Genre |
Screenwriter | Chris Weitz |
Box office | 201151353 , valid in place: Northern America |
ICAA rating | Suitable For All Audiences |
RTC film rating | A , rating certificate ID: 15319 |
MPAA film rating | PG , rating certificate ID: 49280 |
CNC film rating (Romania) | A.G. , rating certificate ID: 14667 |
Distribution format | Video On Demand |
Attendance | 1359850 , valid in place: Spain |
Significant event | Trailer , publication date: 2015-02-11T00:00:00Z |
Producer | Simon Kinberg |
Genre | Family Film |
Color | Color |
Director | Kenneth Branagh |
Based on | Cendrillon |
JMK film rating | Free For All Ages |
Title | Cinderella |
Duration | 105 |
Composer | Patrick Doyle |
Filming location | Hampton Court Palace |
Director of photography | Haris Zambarloukos |
Narrative location | France |
Original language of film or TV show | English |
Country of origin | United Kingdom |
Performer | Patrick Doyle |
Official website | Cinderella official website |
FSK film rating | FSK 0 |
Choreographer | Rob Ashford |
Executive producer | Tim Lewis |
Film editor | Martin Walsh |
Aspect ratio | 2.35:1 |
Costume designer | Sandy Powell |
Logo image | |
Production designer | Dante Ferretti |
Cinémathèque québécoise work identifier | 105469 |
Twitter username | @CinderellaMovie. Cinderella official Twitter page , start time: 2014-11-12T00:00:00Z , point in time: 2020-04-25T00:00:00Z , has quality: verified account , number of subscribers: 40966 , Twitter user numeric ID: 2874555622 |
Medierådet rating | Suitable For A General Audience, But Not Recommended For Children Under 7 |
TV Tropes identifier | Film/Cinderella2015 |
Kijkwijzer rating | AL |
Box Office Mojo film ID (former scheme) | Cinderella2015 |
Hong Kong film rating | Category I |
INCAA film rating | ATP |
IFCO rating | G |
Distributed by | Netflix |
IMDA rating | PG |
CNC film rating (France) | No Age Restriction |
FPB rating | PG |
Assessment | Bechdel Test , criterion used: considering named characters only , assessment outcome: passes |
Social media followers | 40966 , point in time: 2020-04-25T00:00:00Z , Twitter user numeric ID: 2874555622 |
BBFC rating | U Certificate , rating certificate ID: AZF314556 |
NMHH film rating | Category II , rating certificate ID: NFT/22435/2015 |
RCQ classification | G , rating certificate ID: 386530 |
Exploitation visa number | 141864 , start time: 2015-03-17T00:00:00Z |
ClassInd rating | L |
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