Fo Pop Singer
Fo is a 26 years old Pop Singer from . He was born on July 15, 1998 in .
Fo zodiac sign is cancer.
When is Fo's next birthday?
Fo was born on the , which was a Wednesday. He will be turning 27 in only 142 days from today (23 February, 2025).
Other facts about Fo
Flag image | Http:// |
Emergency phone number | 112 |
Area | 1399 |
Country | Denmark , located in the administrative territorial entity: Faroe Islands |
Demonym | Faroesi , applies to part: masculine plural , applies to part: feminine plural |
Category of associated people | Category:Faroese People |
Licence plate code | FO |
Country calling code | +298 |
Page banner | Http:// |
Official language | Faroese |
OmegaWiki Defined Meaning | 618658 |
Electrical plug type | Type K |
Anthem | Tú Alfagra Land Mítt |
Wikimedia outline | Outline Of The Faroe Islands |
Category for people who died here | Q16887593 |
ISO 3166-1 numeric code | 234 |
Continent | Europe |
Located in or next to body of water | Norwegian Sea |
INSEE countries and foreign territories code | 99101 |
Category of people buried here | Category:Burials In The Faroe Islands |
Inception | 1948-04-01T00:00:00Z |
Subreddit | FaroeIslands , language of work or name: English , start time: 2011-09-29T00:00:00Z , named as: A reddit for all things related to Faroe Islands |
Geography of topic | Geography Of The Faroe Islands |
Member of | UNESCO , start time: 2009-10-12T00:00:00Z , subject has role: associate member |
History of topic | History Of The Faroe Islands |
Coat of arms | Coat Of Arms Of The Faroe Islands |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code | FRO |
Maritime identification digits | 231 |
Coordinate location | Point(-6.844480555 61.969944444) |
Located in the administrative territorial entity | Danish Realm |
Geoshape | Http:// |
Locator map image | Http:// |
Official name | Føroyar |
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code | FO |
National Library of Israel identifier | 000974970 |
Maintained by WikiProject | WikiProject Faroe Islands |
US National Archives Identifier | 10044824 |
FIPS 10-4 (countries and regions) | FO |
Highest point | Slættaratindur |
Part of | Danish Realm , located in the administrative territorial entity: Faroe Islands |
Dewey Decimal Classification | 2--4915 |
Head of government | Kaj Leo Johannesen , start time: 2008-09-26T00:00:00Z , end time: 2015-09-15T00:00:00Z |
Currency | Faroese Króna |
Language used | Danish |
Top-level Internet domain | .fo |
Perimeter | 1117 |
Location map | Http:// |
Head of state | Margrethe II Of Denmark |
Driving side | Right |
Native | Føroyar |
Shares border with | Iceland |
Category for people born here | Category:Births In The Faroe Islands |
Capital | Tórshavn |
Legislative body | Løgting |
Diplomatic relation | European Union , statement is subject of: Faroe Islands and the European Union |
Life expectancy | 79.63902 , point in time: 2006-01-01T00:00:00Z |
Population | 44661 , point in time: 1983-01-01T00:00:00Z |
Coordinates of easternmost point | Point(-6.301666666 62.335) , located in/on physical feature: Fugloy |
Coordinates of westernmost point | Point(-7.646111111 62.104166666) , located in/on physical feature: Mykines |
Total fertility rate | 2.3 , determination method: estimation process , point in time: 1999-01-01T00:00:00Z |
Mains voltage | 230 , frequency: 50 |
Flag | Flag Of The Faroe Islands |
Located in time zone | UTC±00:00 |
IAB code | 1436 |
Coat of arms image | Http:// |
WIPO ST.3 | FO |
GS1 country code | 570-579 |
Short name | 🇫🇴 , instance of: emoji regional indicator sequence |
Unicode character | 🇫🇴 |
IOC country code | FRO |
Different from | Fair Isle |
Significant event | British Occupation Of The Faroe Islands |
VAT-rate | 25 |
U.S. National Archives Identifier | 10044824 |
GitHub topic | Faroe-islands |
Emergency telephone number | 112 |
Demographics of topic | Demographics Of The Faroe Islands |
Libris-URI | Jgvxwgd22swqvft |
Economy of topic | Economy Of The Faroe Islands |
Fo age by year
In 2024 | He was 25 years old |
In 2023 | He was 24 years old |
In 2022 | He was 23 years old |
In 2021 | He was 22 years old |
In 2020 | He was 21 years old |
In 2019 | He was 20 years old |
In 2018 | He was 19 years old |
In 2017 | He was 18 years old |
In 2016 | He was 17 years old |
In 2015 | He was 16 years old |
In 2014 | He was 15 years old |
In 2013 | He was 14 years old |
In 2012 | He was 13 years old |
In 2011 | He was 12 years old |
In 2010 | He was 11 years old |
In 2009 | He was 10 years old |
In 2008 | He was 9 years old |
In 2007 | He was 8 years old |
In 2006 | He was 7 years old |
In 2005 | He was 6 years old |
In 2004 | He was 5 years old |
In 2003 | He was 4 years old |
In 2002 | He was 3 years old |
In 2001 | He was 2 years old |
In 2000 | He was 1 year old |
Fo Is A Member Of
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