Mercury from .

His father Jupiter
He has six children, Evander , Cupido , Precipitate (238) , Gohanna (25) , Fractious (233) and Cupid (42, R&B Singer) .
Other facts about Mercury
Partner | Larunda |
Said to be the same as | Abianus |
Worshipped by | Religion In Ancient Rome |
Location | Inner Solar System |
Has quality | Mercury's Magnetic Field |
Magnetic moment | 40000000000000000000 |
Highest point | Caloris Montes |
OmegaWiki Defined Meaning | 7982 |
Semi-major axis of an orbit | 0.38709893 |
Site of astronomical discovery | Http:// |
Named after | Mercury |
Apoapsis | 69817445 |
Orbital period | 87.969 |
Synodic period | 115.88 |
Periapsis | 46001009 |
Flattening | 0 |
Orbital eccentricity | 0.20563593 |
On focus list of Wikimedia project | Wikipedia:Vital Articles |
Astronomic symbol image | Http:// |
Mass | 330 |
Iconclass notation | 24C14 |
Has part | Atmosphere Of Mercury |
Series ordinal | 1 |
Dewey Decimal Classification | 523.41 |
Surface gravity | 3.7278 |
Unicode character | ☿ |
Orbital inclination | 7.00497902 , relative to: ecliptic |
Parent astronomical body | Sun |
Longitude of ascending node | 48.33076593 |
Notation | Mercury Symbol |
MeSH code | G01.060.075.730.700.762 |
Argument of periapsis | 29.124 |
Time of discovery or invention | Http:// |
Albedo | 0.142 |
Discoverer or inventor | Http:// |
Demonym | Mercurien |
Wikimedia outline | Outline Of Mercury |
Part of | Inner Solar System |
Radius | 2439.7 , applies to part: polar |
Distance from Earth | 217000000 , applies to part: apogee |
Pronunciation audio | , language of work or name: Italian |
Spoken text audio | , language of work or name: English |
Area | 74800000 |
Density | 5.427 |
Right ascension | 281.01 |
MeSH tree code | G01.060.075.730.700.762 |
Declination | 61.414 |
Stellar rotational velocity | 10.892 |
Volume as quantity | 60830000000 |
Epoch | J2000.0 |
Mean anomaly | 174.796 |
Geography of topic | Surface Of Mercury |
Different from | Merkury |
Temperature | 100 , sourcing circumstances: minimum |
Child astronomical body | Mercury's Moon , nature of statement: hypothetically |
Apparent magnitude | 1.9 , astronomical filter: V band |
Angular diameter | 13 , sourcing circumstances: maximum |
Use | Colonization Of Mercury , nature of statement: expected |
Mercury's Children (6)
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