Nereus from .
His mother is Gaia and his father is Pontus.
He has one hundred and seven children, Doto , Eunice , Leucothoe , Amatheia , Néère , Ploto , Erato , Thaleia , Ianassa , Ligea , Actaea , Beroe , Neomeris , Callianassa , Halie , Hippothoe , Clymene , Sao , Callianira , Evmolpe , Poulunoe , Dero , Thetis , Dione , Asia , Apseudes , Cymatolege , Glauce , Galene , Pasithea , Orithyia , Dexamene , Maera , Pronoe , Nausithoe , Autonoë , Laomedia , Nereid , Iaera , Halimede , Xantho , Ianeira , Q59773387 , Cymodoce , Eione , Cymo , Eumolpe , Evarne , Q59617288 , Euagore , Q58838290 , Plexaure , Amphitrite , Menippe , Doris , Psamathe , Pherusa , Proto , Calypso , Melite , Panopae , Opis , Phyllodoce , Agaue , Ceto , Amphithoe , Galatea , Amphinome , Cranto , Limnoreia , Hipponoe , Deiopea , Nemertes , Q3611665 , Eucrante , Drymo , Eudore , Pontoporeia , Clio , Speio , Panopea , Creneis , Ephyra , Q58840962 , Polynome , Ione , Dynamene , Pontomedusa , Thoe , Cydippe , Q3874857 , Lycorias , Glauconome , Neso , Protomedea , Glavcothoe , Eurydice , Eupompe , Evpompe , Cymothoe , Nesaea , Q59661541 , Lysianassa , Agave , Nerites , Eulimene and Arethusa .
Other facts about Nereus
Worshipped by | Religion In Ancient Greece |
Said to be the same as | Old Man Of The Sea |
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